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International News

York Regional Police offer background check applications online

April 01, 2015 posted by Steve Brownstein

You will soon be able to request police background checks online.
York Regional Police has just announced that as of April 1, citizens will be able to apply online for police background checks in York Region. Citizens can simply visit yrp.ca and select the type of police check required — criminal records, information or vulnerable sector — and then select a district to pick up the completed check.
“Whether you need the check for employment or volunteer purposes, this is a simple, accessible and convenient way for citizens to access these resources,” YRP spokesperson Const. Andy Pattenden said.
To complete the online application, you will need two pieces of current government-issued identification, excluding health cards and social insurance number cards, and at least one must have a photograph. You must be able to prove you reside in York Region if applying for a police criminal record or vulnerable sector check. A method to pay for the request is also needed.
Once payment has been confirmed and the application completed, a customer service representative will begin to complete the request. An email will be sent to let customers know to pick up the check and the applicant must show identification when collecting the document. The average wait time is expected to be two to six weeks.
Applications for checks can still be completed in person at the Richmond Hill Community Resource Centre or Whitchurch-Stouffville Community Substation.

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