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International News

A Common Error for PreEmployment Screening Companies - Are There Two Frankfurts In Germany?

April 21, 2024 posted by Steve Brownstein

There are two Frankfurt cities located in Germany (just like there are several Berlin cities in the US) - they are based on the former East and West German status (GER vs. GDR) - so both “German states” had their own Frankfurt :)
Frankfurt am Main - the more known Frankfurt, situated in the center of Germany, at the river Main - so it is called Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt at the river Main). It has the biggest airport in Germany and is strong because of the bank business going on there - as well the European Central banks HQ is located in Frankfurt am Main.
Frankfurt (Oder) aka Frankfurt an der Oder - is a smaller city at the boarder from Germany to Poland - so it is located in the former GDR - estern part of Germany. It is much smaller than the western German Frankfurt, has no airport and is living from the border traffic and industry. It is located at the river “Oder” - so its also known as “Frankfurt an der Oder” to make it clear, that it is not mistaken by “Frankfurt am Main”

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