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International News

Lap Dancing A Crime In Israel

September 18, 2018 posted by Steve Brownstein

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said on Sunday that law enforcement had received a statement from the state attorney’s office saying lap dancing can be considered a form of prostitution and therefore an offence.
Officers are now awaiting instructions on how to enforce the rule, he said.
“The phenomenon known as ‘lap dance’ constitutes in certain circumstances an ‘act of prostitution’,” says the policy ruling.
“The continuation of this activity will constitute an offence and cause for taking all the measures in the law,” including against business owners, it said.
The police have informed strip clubs about the change in policy and warned they would act to enforce it, the ruling said.
Rosenfeld confirmed that “some letters have been sent out” to club owners.
While the state attorney’s office is using administrative tools to toughen enforcement, MPs from both government and opposition are also sponsoring amendments to the law which would criminalise striptease as “part of the cycle of prostitution”.
“The bill is designed to reflect in Israeli law the direct connection between striptease and prostitution, both of which perpetuate harmful and humiliating attitudes towards women and their bodies,” the draft amendment says. “The stripping industry is closely linked to the prostitution industry, and a large proportion of the strip clubs are used as brothels.”
Though prostitution itself is legal in Israel, most related activities, such as soliciting, pimping and brothel-keeping, are criminal offences.
Last month the government endorsed a bill to fine prostitutes’ clients, which is expected to go before parliament after the summer recess.


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