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International News

China Criminal Record Search Prices at the Provincial Level

December 31, 2018 posted by Steve Brownstein

Use the tables below to understand the prices of China criminal record searches

Province Wide Prices

Anhui 109.99

Beijing 35.99

Chonqing 35.99

Fujian 49.99

Gansu 109.99

Guangdong 49.99

Guangxi 109.99

Guizhou 109.99

Hainan 109.99

Hebei 109.99

Heilongjian 109.99

Henam 109.99

Hubei 109.99

Hunan 109.99

Jiangsu 109.99

Jiangxi 109.99

Jilin 109.99

Liaoning 109.99

Nei Menggu 109.99

Ningxia 109.99

Qinghai 109.99

Shaanxi 109.99

Shandong 109.99

Shanghai 35.99

Shanxi 109.99

Sichuan 109.99

Tianjin 35.99

Xinjiang 109.99

Xizang 109.99

Yunnan 109.99

Zhejiang 109.99

Indexes at the Provoncia level contain both Basic and Intermediate Court Records * ID card is mandatory for searches at this level

CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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