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Background Checks. Public Records. Is AI Even Available?

October 31, 2018 posted by Steve Brownstein

Background Checks. Public Records.
How's your AI doing for you in Europe? Asia? Africa? South America? Oceania? and North America?
I thought so.  It's not quite here, yet.
Sure, AI is coming. I see it, hear about it, am tried to be sold it all the time. But for government's record keeping and access to those records - it's not here.
At Straightline International we might be a little old fashioned.
But when it comes down to getting criminal court and other public records - hands on is still the norm.
With over three decades of court and public records work Straightline International still does it the hard way.
And that's good. Because if we only used the nanos, the micros, the gigas, and the teras to retrieve our records - it'd be like. "Good luck, see you at the finish line!"
At Straightline International we take criminal records seriously.
2nd place is not an option. I hope it isn't for you, too.

CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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