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The Value of a Background Check

March 13, 2015 posted by Steve Brownstein

When you think about workers compensation insurance you might not think about background checks. Insurance companies utilize background checks to verify a variety of facts. With any claims process accuracy is a key factor in providing the best possible service to injured employees and stopping many types of fraud.
Missouri Employers Mutual’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU) performs background checks as a service to our Claims and other departments. A background check verifies critical details including a person's most current address, assigned SSN number, date of birth, vehicle(s) owned and property.
SIU can also run an Insurance Services Office (ISO) report which includes all insurance reports, workers compensation, personal property, and auto accident claims. An ISO report is extremely helpful in determining injuries that occurred before the date of a workplace injury. For example, an employee filing a neck strain at work after sustaining a neck injury in a motor vehicle accident.
Record checks are extremely important before conducting any type of surveillance because current address, vehicle information and a driver’s license photo can be obtained, which saves time and money.
Considering all this, keep in mind that federal law prohibits using background information received from any source to discriminate against an individual. The same standards must be applied to everyone regardless of race, national origin, religion, medical history or age (40 or older.) To deny a claim based on any of these standards exposes employees and employers to legal action by the injured employee.

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