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International News

Obama and Kate Brown discuss background check bill for gun sales

May 11, 2015 posted by Steve Brownstein

Even presidents make small talk about the weather.
When President Barack Obama stepped off Air Force One on Thursday and shook Gov. Kate Brown's hand, the first thing he mentioned was the beautiful sunshine and 70-degree temperature.
"I, of course, welcomed him to Oregon, and we were delighted to have him here," Brown said in a phone interview Friday morning.
Obama told Brown he'd heard Senate Bill 941 — the bill to require background checks for private gun sales widely supported by Democrats — had recently been approved by the Oregon Legislature. She said it had and assured him that she's going to sign it early next week.
Other than that, the conversation was lighthearted. Obama said he'd like to hike the Columbia River Gorge but probably won't have time until 2017 when he leaves office.
He made no mention of Brown's unusual rise to power.
Brown, who's been in office less than three months, told Obama she's taking his advice on exercising often.
"He's a very tall man, but he's quite slender," Brown said.
"I think that a lot of folks say that he functions in a cerebral world," she added. "But he's warm and charming in person."

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