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National News

Nevada bill would further clear criminal records of trafficking victims

February 27, 2015 posted by Steve Brownstein

Nevada lawmakers are reviewing a bill that would further clear the criminal records of sex trafficking victims.
Democratic Assemblyman Elliot Anderson is sponsoring AB108, which would add trespassing to the list of crimes that trafficking victims could have expunged from their records.
Existing law allows victims to have prostitution and solicitation convictions removed.
Anderson says much of the prostitution activity happens on casino properties, and security there often deals with the problem by making a trespassing arrest. Trespassing tends to be easier to prove in court than prostitution.
Advocates for sex trafficking victims testified Tuesday that people trying to get a job after working as a prostitute are sometimes hindered by trespassing convictions. They say a record of trespassing can be a telltale sign of a history of prostitution.

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