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Does NAPBS Recommend FBI Criminal record Searches?

April 24, 2017 posted by Steve Brownstein

Is it true that NAPBS recommends using the FBI for criminal record checks in the USA?
If you base your decisions on their latest newsletter (4/13/2017) that's what you would take away from it: Use the FBI.
See article:
U.K. - Criminal Records Checks for Overseas Applicants
Excerpted from http://gov.uk
The application process for criminal records checks or 'Certificates of Good Character' for someone from overseas varies from country to country. You'll have to apply in the country or to the relevant embassy in the UK.
See this link for files containing guidance for individual countries alphabetically and an overall guidance on the application process for criminal records checks overseas.
Some paragraphs below this article NAPBS has a disclaimer about their articles.
And we know most USA CRA's do not use the FBI. But many will use the equivalent of the FBI in other countries.
Is there some efficiency elsewhere in the world that the USA can't compete with?
It's not the fault of the CRA's.
Of course not. But then most CRA's in use the courts in the USA. 
Of the two scenarios, which doesn't  work? In the USA is it the courts or the FBI? In other countries is it the  police or the courts?
Based on what's available maybe it's either.
Regardless, the whole debate on what is best for records is flawed should one compare USA with other countries. 
How can one, for example, explain the criminal record check  provided by the UK Disclosure Service or anothers police check is better than the USA FBI check?
Can't, I'd wager. And so begins the conundrum. Courts or FBI in the United States?

CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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