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Clearwater Set To Host Background Screening Conference

November 18, 2015 posted by Steve Brownstein

It’s been a while since I’ve put on pre-employment screening conference.

But here I am again looking forward to February 28th of next year.

That’s  when I’ll co-host, along with my brother, Dennis, and extremely loyal and long time assistant, Phyllis, a new version of the pre-employment screening conference.
Most features have remained the same. Our networking cocktail party and our vendor area will seem familiar to those who had previously attended

Truthfully, we heard you, and our key emphasis at this conference will be buyers and sellers, networking, exhibiting full time, and an opportunity for all to exchange thoughts and ideas in an open forum.

It is back to beginning, the good old days, which worked for everyone. 

And that is the key consideration - we include everyone.

So come on down to Clearwater. It’ll be freezing Up North. You’ll have a chance to thaw out and at the same time do some remarkable business.

CrimeFX performs criminal record searches in Puerto Rico

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