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National News

Background checks taking longer than expected in Tehama Co.

August 27, 2015 posted by Steve Brownstein

In early July, the Tehama County Superior Courthouse computer system crashed.  
According to the courthouse, the computer system was up and running by July 23. However, some people said they are still having trouble getting background checks completed because the computer system was down. 
Kevin Tyrrell has been out of work for about six weeks.
"Can't get a job, all I want to do is go to work," he explained. "It's frustrating, really frustrating."
He said because the computer system was down, he was not able to get a background check completed through prospective employers.
"It's hard, you know, especially when you're trying to support your family," he said. 
Tyrrell and his wife just welcomed home their new baby boy, Andrew, and with an extra mouth to feed, Tyrrell noted he has no other choice than to turn to welfare.
"We are having to start the process for signing up for welfare and CalWorks and CalFresh food assistance," Tyrrell stated. 
But that's not the only sacrifice they will have to make.
"My wife has to go off her maternity leave early and return to work, you know, less time to bond with her son," Tyrrell said.  
Tyrrell mentioned he had called the courthouse, but no luck. 
He was not the only one having issues with getting a background check completed. 
Cassie Harman was supposed to start working at a local hospital on August 3.  
"It's just frustrating, you know, because is it going to get pushed out another month, " she said.
"I have this great job that I can't start because of something that is completely out of my hands," she explained, frustrated with the system.
Harmon said her employers where not able to get her background check completed from the court.
"They actually had one of their people come down to Tehama County to try and get our information, so they can get our background check information so we can start our jobs," she said.
Harman was notified Monday afternoon by her employer that the court computer system was back up, and they should be able to get her background check completed within a few days.  
The courthouse stated background checks should only take five to seven business days.

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