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Background Checks for Ammunition Purchases - Proposition 63

October 17, 2016 posted by Steve Brownstein

Californians will vote on a new proposal to change background checks for those purchasing ammunition when they decide on Proposition 63.
Prop 63 would require anyone who buys ammunition to have a permit, which would require a background check, and dealers would have to check that permit before selling.
Also, 63 would ban large capacity magazines for everyone, even people who previously were exempt from the ban.
Charles Blek, who lost his son to gun violence, has made it his goal to get better gun control laws here in California.
“This particular proposition will close loopholes,” Blek said. “It’s an absolute must.”
Michael Schwartz of San Diego County Gun Owners opposes Prop 63 because taxpayers will have to pay to run a background check system and database.
“A complicated, intricate system like this should be run through the legislature,” Schwartz said, adding it will be difficult to administer and change.
Rather than pass the measure, he suggests voters should allow lawmakers continue to work on SB 1235, a current bill moving through the legislature.
Blek said a 55 percent vote of the Assembly or Senate and a vote from the governor will be able to change the measure in the future if adjustments are needed.

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